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Managed Projects for Makers Empire Customers

A managed term project is designed to be delivered to groups of Makers Empire school customers from all over Australia to maximise learning opportunities and provide scaffolding and support for teachers. Over the course of a term, teachers will explore a specific Challenge Course with students aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Teachers in a managed term project will:

  • Understand how to use 3D technology to plan, teach and assess Design & Technology and Engineering curriculum for K-8 students.
  • Receive access to a new Challenge Course for the course of the program (one term).
  • Each Challenge Course provides a complete design program for students. Challenge courses are carefully aligned to Australian curriculum outcomes, centred around a theme and designed to take 4-10 weeks to complete. For example, teachers might have students work through a Challenge Course for one lesson per week over a term. Over that term, students will address all aspects of the Design & Technologies curriculum without needing to do any extra planning.
  • Each Challenge Course contains four different activities: 1) videos; 2) quizzes; 3) pro-training tutorials; and 4) design challenges.

Managed term projects are free of charge for all Makers Empire school customers as they are included in the cost of an annual subscription to Makers Empire. Not yet a Makers Empire school customer? Check out our similar managed term pilots for schools.

Strong Structures: Term 2, 2023: May – July

What makes a structure strong? How many cars can a bridge hold? How tall can a tower be before it becomes unstable? How can we build things that stand the test of time? Grade 5-7 students will be challenged to think like architects and civil engineers and design strong, sustainable structures for a range of purposes. This course aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goal #11 Sustainable Cities & Communities.

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